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Web design – what is it and how to start a web designer career

Web design – what is it and how to start a web designer career

Web design is one of the branches of web development that specializes in website design (structure design and subsequent visualization). In this article, we will talk in detail about web design: what it is, what elements it consists of, what is better web design or graphic design, and how to start your career in web design.

First, let’s take a closer look at what web design really is.

Web design – what is it in simple words

At the very beginning, I gave you a general definition of web design, but if you go deeper, then

Web design is a process of planning, content layout and subsequent visualization of solutions, as a result of which a ready-made site layout is obtained for subsequent development and transfer to the Internet.

I think this definition reveals the whole essence of web design a little more. Layout means the arrangement of design elements (pictures, texts, forms, etc.) relative to each other, and visualization means a detailed study of the layout with the addition of colors. Those professionals who work in the field of web design are called web designers.

A web designer is a specialist who designs websites and makes them aesthetically pleasing to users.

Modern web design has long gone beyond conventional aesthetics (visual beauty). The area of ​​responsibility of this area includes the usability of the sites and their functionality. This is not a whim of the design representatives, but the trends of the current market. Users are focused on user-friendly interfaces, so web designers need to adapt to these requests and create aesthetically pleasing sites with a clear and well-thought-out structure.

In addition to web design, there is another direction called UX UI design. What it is and what is the difference between them, I described in the corresponding article, I recommend reading.

On the subject:

UX UI design – what it is and how it differs from Web design

In a nutshell, I will say that web design is focused exclusively on sites and web applications, and UX UI design is for all interfaces in general (sites, web and mobile applications, services, etc.). Accordingly, in UX UI design there is such a profession as interface designer.

Both areas are very similar to each other, but there are still differences (although not large). In general, we can say that web design is responsible for the overall impression of using a particular resource.

2. Visual elements of web design

Web design is made up of many elements that together create the layout of the site. We use the results of the work of web designers (and web developers) on the Internet every day, going to any site.


The text is present on any site, because with the help of it we interact with the interface and understand what they want from us. The role of text in any design is of great importance and the ability to work with it distinguishes a good web designer from a bad one.

3. Web design what is it

It is enough to make poorly readable text (low contrast), then immediately the majority of users will leave the resource for competitors. The ability to work with typography is an essential skill for any web designer.

Of course, a web designer should not be a copywriter and write texts himself, but to arrange them and make an understandable layout – yes.

4. Colors

Each site has its own palette of colors. Moreover, each niche has its own color schemes that are associated with this particular area. For example, medicine is associated with turquoise or blue, while ecology is associated with green. This is called a meta post.

5. Web design what is it

If a web designer incorrectly conveys theme meta messages using color, then the user may experience dissonance. Agree, it will be strange to see a site about ecology in red or yellow colors.

That is why the ability to work with color and combine shades with each other is also a key skill of any web designer.

5. Composition

Any site has a structure according to which the final design of the project is developed. Each design element is located in the layout in a certain place and together all the elements create a site composition. The arrangement of elements obeys the so-called grid – these are invisible guides relative to which all content is located.

Working with grid and composition is another key skill for a web designer. If the work does not adhere to composition, then the final design will turn out to be chaotic and without a traceable logic of the location of objects.

6. Shapes

Shapes are primitive geometric shapes: square, circle, rectangle, and so on. Any site design consists of such primitives. Any button is a shape, any input field is a shape, any picture is a shape, and so on.

7. Indentation

Padding adds an airy feel to any design. Thanks to indentation, you can form a hierarchy and group together logically related objects. In short, padding is a powerful web designer’s tool to help you create aesthetically pleasing designs.

8. Pictures and icons

Pictures are used to convey emotions in web design or to explain actions in detail. Icons are used for simple navigation so that the user can easily read the information when they see a specific icon.

Both the one and the other element is an integral part of any design and helps users to “cling” their eyes to certain pieces of information.

In addition to visual elements, there are functional elements in web design.

9. Functional elements of web design

The first and most important functional element is navigation.

A. Navigation

Navigation helps users find the information they need and quickly navigate the site. Competent navigation is the key to an easy-to-use site, poor navigation is hate on the part of users.

That is why every web designer should first of all think over a simple and understandable navigation on the site. There is a rule of 3 clicks, which says that the user should reach the desired information in 3 clicks. If there are more clicks, then such navigation is considered weak and needs improvement.

B. Animation

Animation serves to make the interaction of the user with the interface more interesting. In addition, animation helps to focus users’ attention on a specific part of a design or information.

The main rule here is that animation should be minimal, so as not to overload the interface and not take undue attention of users.

That’s all for web design elements. In addition to web design, there is also such a direction as graphic design. Let’s see what the difference is between them.

10. Which is better web design or graphic design

Graphic design is a type of design that focuses more on typography and vector graphics.

Graphic designers are mainly involved in the development of logos, illustrations and corporate identity for companies. To answer the question which is better, web design or graphic design, you first need to ask yourself 2 questions.

First, what do you like to do better: websites (web design) or logos and illustrations (graphic design)? Second, is creativity important to you?

The fact is that modern web design can hardly be called a creative profession. In website development, there are certain frameworks that must be followed. In graphic design, there are fewer such frames and therefore there is more room for creativity.

A. which is better web design or graphic design

If we say which direction is more popular, then, of course, web design, simply because there is more demand for web design. But I would not advise to define the sphere only by its popularity. Your interest is much more important.

In both areas, you can become a first-class specialist and receive good remuneration for your work. It is a matter of time, desire and aspiration. There are many graphic designers who make more money than web designers.

If you like doing both websites and logos, then no one forbids you to combine both professions in one. You can easily create website designs and at the same time develop logos, illustrations and other graphic design elements for them.

11. Who is web design suitable for?

It is a misconception that the field of web design is focused exclusively on creative people. They say if you are a techie, then you better not meddle in web design. In fact, as I said above, web design has long gone from creativity to functionality.

Therefore, you don’t have to be creative. It is enough to have a desire to create cool projects that other people will use. If you like the feeling that to some extent you will make the virtual world a little more convenient and attractive (by creating a design), then this profession will suit you.

Another plus would be reasonable perfectionism. Attention to detail is an important aspect of any professional web designer, because it is from the smallest details that the big picture is formed.

In addition, an analytical mind will also add a few points to your piggy bank. As I said, the creation of a design is based primarily on design and certain research.

Do you need a higher specialized education? No. In this area, you just need to take courses , and you can already apply for vacancies. Moreover, there are very few specialized higher institutions with this direction, and they are not in every city.

By and large, absolutely anyone can do web design, if they wish. The big advantage of this area is that you can work remotely from anywhere in the world. This opens up great opportunities in terms of earnings and professional growth.

11. How to start a career in web design

To start a career in web design, you have 2 ways:

A. Self education

Passage of specialized courses

Both have their pros and cons. When studying on your own, you need to be patient, persistent and determined, otherwise it will be very difficult. I wrote a detailed article about how to become a web designer on your own.

On the subject:

How to become a web designer from scratch on your own – 5 steps

Completing the courses will significantly save you time and give you the opportunity to communicate with a mentor and receive feedback on your work. In addition, this is a great option for very lazy people who need to constantly give a penny. But the downside is that you have to pay for it. In the case of self-study, you just pay with your time. Here, everyone decides for himself what is the most valuable resource for him.

B .Where to learn web design from scratch

For my part, I can recommend you this course , which covers absolutely all aspects of the work of a web designer.

When choosing courses, it is important to pay attention to who teaches them and what results the students demonstrate. In addition, the duration of the course is also a very important fact. For example, in 1 month it is very difficult to master all design skills and become a good specialist. But in 3-12 months it is already more realistic to do it.

The longer the duration of the course, the richer the training program and the more practical tasks.


In this article, we talked in detail about web design: what it is, what elements it consists of, what is better web design or graphic design, and how to start a career in web design. I hope you received all the answers to your questions, and if not, then ask them in the comments.

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